The final conference of the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia –Serbia 2014-2020

At the final conference of the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia – Serbia 2014-2020, which was held on 23 October 2024 in Osijek, Croatia, with the participation of representatives of two countries and stakeholders from the Programme area, the results achieved during financial period 2014-2020 were presented, as well as insight into the new possibilities for financing through 2nd Call for proposals of the Interreg VI-A IPA programme Croatia- Serbia 2021-2027.

Beside the successful results of cooperation between institutions and organizations from Croatia and Serbia that were presented, project beneficiaries from different priority axes had the opportunity to share their experience in in implementing their cross-border projects through interesting panel discussion on the topic” The importance of Interreg projects for the local community”. The panellists:

 • Nikoleta Poljak from DKolektiv (CRO) presented the project Inclusive Community

• Vladimir Perović from Open university Subotica Ltd. (SER) presented the project Panona net

• Marcela Šperanda from J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (CRO)  IMPACT-ENVI and

• Nenad Magazina from The University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture (SER) presented the project SASFRU

also gave useful advice to future project partners based on their experience.

The goal of the Programme was to strengthen the social, economic and territorial development of the cross-border area through the implementation of joint projects and activities which were supported within four priority axes. During the Programme period, 48 projects were contracted with as many as 179 project partners.

Various competitions in which Programme participated showed the success of our projects. At European Week of Regions and Cities 2019 the R-SOL-E project made it to the finals of the REGIOSTARS 2019 competition. Although R-SOL-E was not selected as winner, its innovativeness was fully recognized. Because of it, the dedication of Croatian and Serbian partners working together across borders put the project on a map of most innovative EU-funded projects of 2019.

Our project UPDATE received awards at Interreg Annual Event 2023 which was held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, for Social media award and The best project at Grand Finals. There was not even one project that had such success so far, and it showed an example of good cooperation between the project and the Programme bodies who achieved this success together.

Programme projects have proven successful not only in competitions but also in real-life needs. Thanks to the Heart Net project, the life of a 24-year-old man was saved by giving appropriate diagnosis on-the spot using Heart Net teleconsulting.

Outstanding achievements in a nutshell

  • Developed 14 new tools to improve the quality of health and social services
  • Developed 5 joint monitoring systems (system for monitoring surface and wastewater, system for monitoring the conservation status of wetland habitats, elaboration of standard operating procedures for flood defense,…)
  • Installed 5.38 MW capacity for energy production
  • Developed and promoted 20 joint tourist products
  • More than 8,800 new visitors in areas of revitalized cultural or natural heritage
  • 21 new services or innovative production/technology processes were introduced in construction, fruit growing, sustainable agriculture and other sectors in the cross-border area
  • More than 800 employees trained in palliative care, telemedicine, mosquito-borne diseases, volunteering and other health and social services
  • More than 134,000 people in the cross-border area covered by new and improved health and social services
  • Preserved and improved more than 88,000 hectares of habitat area
  • Developed and promoted 20 joint tourist products
  • Improved/arranged 24 tourist locations with supporting infrastructure or equipment
  • More than 1,000 people trained to ensure the quality of cultural or natural heritage and destination management
  • 10 cross-border clusters/networks for cooperation were established or improved in the areas of: support for women entrepreneurs, organic production and horticulture, paper industry,…
  • 22 laboratories/competence centers are equipped with a focus on ecological agriculture, application of ICT solutions in the automotive industry, application of artificial intelligence and new technologies in entrepreneurship
  • 26 entrepreneurs established cooperation with research institutions

With the successful results shown, we have closed this financial perspective, but cooperation between two countries continues through the Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia – Serbia 2021-2027 which makes available to beneficiaries from this two countries EUR 34,801,503.00 for projects which will support strengthening the social, economic and territorial development of the cross-border area. Moreover, the Conference was also an opportunity to present all the main features of the 2nd Call for proposals within 2021-2027 financial perspective.

More information about the 2nd Call for Proposals can be found at this link.

Please find all presentations from the Conference here:

The results of the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia –Serbia 2014-2020

2nd Call for proposals of the Interreg VI-A IPA programme Croatia- Serbia 2021-2027

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