During the project MOS-Cross3, two introductory workshops were held for health workers at the Subotica Public Health Institute and at the Vukovar-Srijem County Public Health Institute.
On 3 and 4 July 2023, a two-day workshop was held for health workers of the Northern Bačka district in Subotica. The workshop was organized by the leading partner, the Institute of Public Health Sombor, and members of the project team from Osijek participated as lecturers at the workshop together with health workers from Sombor. The training was attended by 20 medical workers and members of the APV “Fund for European Affairs” team.
A two-day workshop for health workers of the Vukovar-Srijem County in Vinkovci was held on 6 and 7 September 2023. The workshop was organized by the Osijek-Baranja County Public Health Training Institute, and along with health workers from Osijek, the workshop included members of the project team from Sombor. They participated as lecturers. The training was also attended by 20 medical workers and members of the APV “European Affairs Fund” team.
During the first day of both workshops, the participants were presented with the MOS-Cross 3 project with the talks about mosquito species, control protocols, treatments and surveillance, diagnoses and diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, as well as sampling methods. At the end of the first day, the participants had a practical exercise in the field, which involved sampling mosquitoes and setting traps. During the second day, participants learned about the Protocol for health workers in the event of an epidemic caused by mosquito-borne diseases and the ways in which mosquitoes transmit diseases, and with the continuation of the lecture, participants were informed about the diagnosis and treatment of mosquito-borne diseases. At the end of the second day, participants examined samples of captured mosquitoes and performed species determination as part of a practical exercise.
The lecturers at both workshops were:
- prof. of Biology and Chemistry, Magdalena Sikora, who presented the project and held a lecture on “Cross-border cooperation of health institutions from Croatia and Serbia in the prevention of infectious diseases transmitted by mosquitoes”,
- Prim.mr.sci.med.dr Dragoslava Čubrilo, specialist of hygiene, who spoke on the topic “Types of mosquitoes important for health and sampling methods”,
- dr Tatjana Medić, epidemiologist, who spoke on the topic “Diagnosis and treatment of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes: West Nile fever, Zika fever Malaria and Chikungunya”
- Ivan Mihić, M.Sc.Biology and Ivan Kurtek, M.Sc.Biology, with the topic “Professional supervision, control and treatment of mosquitoes”,
- Ivan Kurtek, M.Sc.Biology, with the topic “How mosquitoes transmit diseases”
- dr Jelena Zelić, specialist of hygiene, with the topic “Presentation Protocol for healthcare workers in the event of an epidemic caused by mosquito-borne diseases”