The project “Inclusive Community” is a cross-border cooperation of organisations from Osijek and Novi Sad, and its main goal is to improve social services in Osijek and Novi Sad for social welfare beneficiaries and people at risk of poverty and exclusion through the development of local institutional capacity and strengthening cooperation of social services from Croatia and Serbia.
In the new warehouse, renovated throughout the project, Social Service of the Red Cross Osijek continued its work with the distribution of clothing and footwear for people in need and the distribution of orthopaedic aids.
Lead Partner, DKolektiv has begun preparatory work for the arrangement of the space of the Social Atelier – a programme of social integration in Osijek, which was launched through this project. Regardless of smaller extent of the activities in line with anti-epidemiological measures, the following activities are implementing continuously: the implementation of learning assistance activities, activities aimed at supporting long-term unemployed women, involving young people in active community life through volunteering and activities aimed at civic education; as well as inclusive volunteering. Similar activities are implemented in Serbia through the VoZ social integration programme.
A guide for social services and the collection of information on social service providers has been prepared, and a guide for senior volunteering in Novi Sad has been published.
The City of Osijek is currently in the final phase of developing a social plan and software for e-social cards, an innovative system for monitoring the provision of social services for users, which will be fully realised through the project.