Energy efficiency construction works, public lightning and finishing works on implementation of solar power plants in municipality Satnica Đakovačka and City of Subotica, are activities currently in the implementation within the project E2P2 – Energy efficient public power.
In Satnica Đakovačka, implementation of solar public lighting is in the process of implementation. Replacing traditional public lighting by modern one (70% of energy usage reduction), as well as installation of solar power plants on five public buildings (Home of culture where municipality administration is placed, Petar Pan kindergarten, building of Volunteer Fire Department, building of Football club Mladost and building of Football club HOŠK) will strongly contribute to the achievement of project results.
Project Partner City of Subotica just finished energy reconstruction of Žarko Zrenjanin school, while Marko Vuković school is expecting the same reconstruction to be finished by the end of March. Implementation of solar power plants is planned right after the energy reconstruction of these schools.
Both Project Partners are continuously working on energy efficiency promotion throughout the social media and their websites.