Invitation to programme area stakeholders to participate in the consultation process of the EUSAIR Action Plan revision process – deadline 30 June 2022

On 16 June 2022 the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) Facility Point launched an online public consultation at the EUSAIR Annual Forum for better involving EUSAIR stakeholders and the interested general public from four EU Member States countries (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia) and six non-EU countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia) in the Action Plan revision process.

This public consultations aim to contribute for the new Action Plan by collecting EUSAIR stakeholders and programme area stakeholders comments and proposals that respond to challenges and opportunities at national, regional and local authorities levels, as well as the private sector, academia and civil society levels. The first draft of the Action Plan is planned for autumn 2022.

Join the shaping of our common Adriatic-Ionian future!

By participating in this public consultations you will contribute to the future designing of Action Plan and your ideas for new strategic actions will be considered as a valuable input to the revision.

We invite you to fill in the questionnaire, that is available in English language.

Please note that the questionnaire will be opened until 30 June 2022.

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