Final conference of the project Energy Efficient Public Power (E2P2), implemented through the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020 in Satnica Đakovačka and Subotica, was held on 3 June 2022 in the Subotica City Hall. The conference was attended by the Mayor of Subotica Stevan Bakić, the Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Mining and Energy Milan Macura and the Mayor of Satnica Đakovačka Željko Šimić.
The purpose of the conference was to present results achieved during the project. Božidarka Golubović presented realized project activities for the City of Subotica and Božana Rogalo for the Municipality of Satnica Đakovačka.
The project aimed to establish energy efficient public buildings through the application of power plants to renewable energy sources, as an example of energy sustainable and environmentally friendly public policy.
The project enabled solar panels installation on nine public buildings in Subotica: Technical School”Ivan Sarić”, Home for Children with Developmental Disabilities”Kolevka”, Primary and Secondary School”Svetomir Bojanin”, administrative building of the Preschool Institution ”Naša radost”, Open University, New Municipality, Polytechnic School, swimming pool “Prozivka” and Elementary School “Sonja Marinković”. Complete energy rehabilitations of the Primary School “Matko Vuković” and the Primary and Secondary School “Svetomir Bojanin” were completed, traffic promenades on Prozivka and Radijalac received solar benches, and Zoo Palić got the solar tree.
Solar power plants have been installed on the buildings owned by Municipality of Satnica Đakovačka: Cultural Center in Satnica Đakovačka and Gašinci settlement, Gašinci Voluntary Fire Brigade Home, “Petar Pan” kindergarten, football club “HOŠK” Gašinci and Hunting House LD “Vepar” Gašinci. Energy-efficient public lighting was built in the Satnica Đakovačka, while the Cultural Center in Gašinci and the Hunting House LD “Vepar” Gašinci have been energetically renovated. Also, two solar benches, three info totems and three solar trees were set up, while the Action Plan for Energy Efficiency of the Municipality of Satnica Đakovačka has been prepared.