After we won by far the largest number of votes (1070) during the Project Slam social media competition 2023, that lasted from the end of September till the middle of October, and took the prize for the 1st place in that category, it’s time for the Grand Finals.

We are ready to present our story on the stage after months of preparation, so we are inviting you to support our UPDATE project financed within #interregipahrrs20142020 Programme, during Interreg Project Slam 2023 Grand Finals that will take place in Santiago de Compostela, next Thursday.

This year Grand Final Event will be held as a part of Interreg Annual Event on 26 October 2023 starting from 12:00 h.

The event will be held in hybrid format, with live broadcast available via Interreg Facebook page so please tune into live broadcast, watch all 5 finalists, and cast your vote for UPDATE project.

Voting will be available only for a limited period of time so please be prepared to vote for our project on time!

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