Take a part in “Film4Energy Challenge”

In October 2021, the European Commission (Directorate-General for Energy – DG ENER) launched the first ever European video school competition about energy efficiency, “Film4Energy Challenge”, inviting students from schools across European Union (EU) to create short videos on the importance of energy saving and about benefits of it to their community.

The challenge is open for all students between age 12 to 15 residing in any of the EU countries, who have the vision on why it’s important to save energy and how it can be done in everyday life. Students have the power to inspire others to reduce energy consumption and can successfully promote the environmental and economic benefits of saving energy across the EU.

To participate in this challenge, students from the same school need to team up and make a video on how to convince people in their community about the benefits of saving energy and using energy-efficient alternatives for heating, cooling, transport, and other daily activities.

Please note that only schools (e.g. by a teacher and/or the head teacher) can submit the video and it can only be one video per school.

Each video should be up to one minute long (only mp4 format is eligible) and can be made in any of the EU languages (except Gaelic and Maltese).

More information on rules, terms and conditions of the video challenge as well as the application form can be found on video competition page. Please read them carefully!

The competition will be open until 31 March 2022!

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