On a sunny day on 16 October 2023, and in a pleasant environment of the Experimental field for Fruit growing of the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad, at Rimski šančevi, participants from the fruit growing sector, extension service, education, students and media participated at the Open Door Day event. The Open Door Day was organized as part of the project ” Smart Agriculture Solutions save resources in modern fruit production” (SASFRU), financed within our Programmme.
In front of about 50 participants, the main objectives and activities of the project were presented, as well as the valuable equipment for Water Laboratory and the Experimental Field for improvement of scientific competitiveness, knowledge transfer, collaboration synergies and new specialized services to entrepreneurs.
After the presentation, new automatic system for irrigation and fertilization was put into operation. Experts from the Department of Water Management spoke about the quality of water for fruit tree irrigation and the importance of water quality analysis and demonstrated sampling and analyzing basic water quality parameters. Topics presented at the Open Door event will be further elaborated and offered to the public within the Catalogue of courses of the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad.
At the end, participants had the opportunity to visit the nursery and experimental orchards planted with the support of previous Interreg IPA CBC Croatia-Serbia projects (AppleNet 2 and Cross Tree) and learn about the new knowledge and experience gained from years of monitoring experiments in pome and stone fruit cultivation systems.
Finally, it was concluded that the door of the Experimental Field is always open to all interested parties, providing an excellent way to transfer acquired knowledge and good agricultural practices into fruit growing sector.