Programme measures related to COVID 19 outbreak

We would like to inform you that the Managing Authority  and Joint Secretariat have taken into consideration the requests made by the beneficiaries and also the positions taken by other Interreg programmes related to COVID 19 outbreak.

Consequently, the Programme beneficiaries should take note of the following guidance on how to proceed:

According to the Programme eligibility rules, the activities have to be implemented in order for the costs to be eligible.

In addition, the rules also state that “ Eligible costs are costs actually incurred by the LB/PPs of a grant and paid solely by LB/PPs which meet the all of the following criteria:

  • they incurred during the implementation period of the Operation, with the exception of preparatory costs and closure costs…”.

Programme beneficiaries should first assess the situation based on information/recommendations provided by the World Health Organisation, embassies, national health organisations etc. and only cancel meetings/events or avoid travelling if there is an official/institutional travel ban or travel warning for a particular region.

If due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the meeting/event/travel would have to be cancelled, then the beneficiaries should try to get their costs (travel and accommodation, catering, venue etc.) recovered/refunded.

However, for costs that are not recoverable by any means, the MA/JS has decided to grant an exception to the rules stated above and regard such costs as eligible. This refers to costs paid or costs for which the payment obligation has incurred (under a receipt or contract) up to 13 March 2020.

It is to be noted that the eligibility rules as stated in the Programme rules on eligibility of expenditures and other relevant guidance documents have not been changed, but the MA/JS has only granted an exception to the rules for cancellations due to COVID-19.

In addition, the Programme recommends

  • to apply preventive measures as suggested by the WHO and similar organisations and to discuss them also with meeting places (e.g. to make hand sanitizers available at the meeting rooms and to carry out a careful daily alcohol-based disinfection).

Should the event have to be cancelled, postponed or if partners/stakeholders could not attend for the reasons as mentioned above or other justified medical conditions, in the upcoming period the Programme recommends

  • to consider together with the partners involved whether carrying out the meeting by other means such as videoconferences is a suitable option in order to minimize the impact on the workplan.

We kindly ask you to forward this information to all relevant parties. For other instructions please regularly check the Programme website.

In case of further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Managing Authority & Joint Secretariat

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