Young Entrepreneurs Strength – DO IT (YES DO IT)

Priority Axis 1: Cooperating for smarter programme area
Operation start date: 1 July 2024
Operation completion date: 30 September 2025
Budget: EUR 258.866,00
Number of partners: 3

Operation purpose and expected achievements:
The overall project objective is to create innovative and sustainable supporting mechanism based on ICT, new technologies and green economy for start-ups and early stage entrepreneurs, primarily for those living in rural area of CBC region that will enable their growth and development. The main results of the project are:
– Jointly developed solution: functional supporting Platform with tools for start-ups and future entrepreneurs, based on needs of entrepreneurs, existing and potential
– Increased level of knowledge and competences of people working within business support organizations which will enable them to provide better service to SME’s and future entrepreneurs from rural area
– Created entrepreneurial eco system that consists of business support organizations, entrepreneurs, youth that are interested in entrepreneurship, SME’s, local communities and project partners.



European Youth Centre of Vojvodina (RS) as Lead Partner on the project has lot of experience in educations and working with youth and will do part of training and will be responsible for Platform development with partner Green Seed. European Youth Centre of Vojvodina will develop a tool for Carrer development together with e-counseling model and will adopt e-learning materials developed by CZM Dalj for users in Serbia. All this will be a part of the Platform. Together with other project partners, Lead partner will organize one Best practice sharing event.

Beneficiary’s social media:   

Ecological Society “GREEN SEED” (RS) as Project Partner will motivate young people to take the initiative of changing their awareness towards the environment, nature, and relationships in it. The vision is to be synonymous with an Association that constantly sets higher standards both in the field of green project management, circular economy in the field of living, which not only introduces new habits but also predicts and creates them. The creation of Green platform will support greening of working places, application of principles of circular economy, represent a space for youth employment and open the door for CSO, private and public sector networking.

Beneficiary’s social media:   

Main responsibility of the Youth Center Dalj (HR) as Project Partner within this project is to develop tools for youth entrepreneurship in rural areas. These tools are developed based on needs of entrepreneurs and will, in one place, provide all needed for someone to become entrepreneur. These tools will be integrated on web platform in order to enable access to new technologies, innovation and green economy solutions on one side and practical learning by doing segment that consists of career development, business model canvas and business plan development applications on the other. With help of those tools start-ups, SME’s, future entrepreneurs and other interested individuals will have possibility to develop their ideas in a form of Business model and Business plan, but also to develop their entrepreneurial path using Carrer development tool. Center will develop 2 tools, one for Business modeling and other for Business planning, while Carrer development will be responsibility of European Youth Centre of Vojvodina.