Sombor Osijek Emergency Response Partnership (S.O.O.S.)

Priority Axis 3: Cooperating for healthier and more inclusive programme area
Operation start date: 1 October 2024
Operation completion date: 31 January 2027
Budget: EUR 878.886,80
Number of partners: 2

Operation purpose and expected achievements:
Overall objective is to provide standardized and timely emergency medical treatment on cross border area in Osijek Baranya County and West Bačka district for local rural population by shortening the ER response time under 10 minutes, departure time of critical patient to the nearest available hospital under one hour and increase of successful reanimations in cases of sudden cardiac arrest above 11%, thus ensuring equal access to health care in cross border area. Aim is to ensure equal access to emergency medical care for rural population of Osijek – Baranja County and West Bačka district through cross-border cooperation in which four pilot actions will be implemented to enhance emergency preparedness of involved organizations, at least 234 participants in training programs on prevention of sudden cardiac arrest, five jointly solutions will be developed for the prevention of sudden cardiac arrest and for providing emergency medical assistance of uniform quality on both sides of the border. This will be achieved by purchasing two emergency medical vehicles for the provision of emergency medical assistance and above standard equipment of uniform standards.



Emergency Medical Service of Osijek-Baranja County (HR) as Lead Partner will be responsible for the timely, high-quality and overall implementation of project activities, supervision over the execution of the project budget, consulting the team, compliance of the implementation of project activities with the time plan, collection and monitoring of project risks, managing the project in accordance with the expected costs and scope, supervising coordination within the team, coordination with external actors, monitoring the work of contracted executors, monitoring financial reporting, monitoring the implementation of procurement procedures and monitoring communication between the project team. Also will be responsible for the management of the project as a whole and for the strategic management of project activities.

Health Center “Dr.Đorđe Lazić” Sombor (RS) as Project Partner will be responsible for the timely, high-quality implementation of project activities. It is in charge of implementing activities within the Cross-border Timely Emergency Response and Coordinated Training in Medical Emergency Treatment workpackage. Health Center “Dr.Đorđe Lazić” Sombor is in charge for secure funding and allocate resources for project implementation, provide medical expertise needed for activities implementation, collaborate with Emergency Medical Service of Osijek-Baranja County in conducting project activities, ensure open communication with Emergency Medical Service of Osijek-Baranja County, provide necessary permits and approvals for project activities, monitor it’s project activities, collect and analyze data to assess project performance, ensure proper allocation of funds, collaborate with Emergency Medical Service of Osijek-Baranja County to ensure financial transparency. Health Center “Dr.Đorđe Lazić” Sombor is responsible for warning the Emergency Medical Service of Osijek-Baranja County about possible risks in the implementation and presenting proposals for their resolution. Mandatory to notify Emergency Medical Service of Osijek-Baranja County if there is a change in the timetable for the implementation of activities.

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