Region of Social innovations (ROSI)

Priority Axis 1: Cooperating for smarter programme area
Operation start date: 1 July 2024
Operation completion date: 31 December 2025
Budget: EUR 350.326,88
Number of partners: 4

Operation purpose and expected achievements:
Main project objective is creation of environment and supporting system for the development of social innovations in the cross-border region. It will respect existing resources and potentials of targeted areas and create systematic solutions for social innovations in CB region through creation of educational concept, development of Living Labs for social innovations, pools of actors supporting the social initiatives and online knowledge base tool for idea exchange and cooperation. Project main activites are:
– Developed concept of education for social innovations including curriculum for the course, manual and video materials that can be used by educational institutions, employment services and business support institutions
– Created pool of supporters of social innovations in 4 cities serving to complete and upgrade the work of Living Labs for all interested in social innovations – young adults, unemployed persons, NGOs
– Development of two Living Labs in Subotica and Vukovar serving for education, idea generation, idea development, idea testing and mentoring for all actors interested in social innovations and mutual cooperation
– Development of online platform for education, networking and cooperation in the field of social innovations for diverse CB stakeholders.



Open university Subotica Ltd. (RS) as Lead Partner will be responsible for the overall implementation of the project, coordination of the project team members, monitoring of the organization of activities, fulfillment of predicted results and indicators, financial management and reporting on project level and communication with Contracting Authority on behalf of the consortium. Concerning project activities OUS responsibility within project will be to organize courses in the field of Social innovations for both target groups in Subotica (for supporters of social innovations and social innovators of the future), organize meeting of social innovators of the future in Subotica and study tour for project partners to Brussels, develop the Living Lab for Social innovations in Subotica and create the bilingual video tutorial for Social innovations in CB region as a education tool which will be uploaded at the project platform. Project partner will also have the active role in project promotional campaign through on-line campaign for the web platform and articles in on-line medias and TV appearances.

By participating in this project Vukovar Develoment Agency Ltd. (HR) as Project Partner will create preconditions for the development of social innovations in the local, regional and cross-border area. Through the project activities of the establishment of a Living Lab for social innovation in Vukovar within the development agency, and the organization of educational courses and practical work on social innovations for the youth population and stakeholders, VURA will enable the design and implementation of social innovations for all stakeholders involved in capacity building. Also, VURA will work on the development of a sustainable online platform “ROSI” that will provide the general public and stakeholders with access to all types of educational content such as: manuals, video tutorials and educational video content. All interested users will be able to access the platform for the exchange of ideas and cooperation through registration and advertise their examples of good practice in the field of social innovations. In this way, it will raise its recognition and ensure the sustainability and networking of such stakeholders. VURA will also be responsible for the online campaign, including campaign on the social networks, of the developed online platform.

Beneficiary’s social media:   

Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government (RS) as Project Partner will integrate its experience in the field of regional development into all necessary activities on the project. The Secretariat can contribute to the networking of stakeholders, the promotion of project as well as individual project activities throughout the territory of AP Vojvodina, as well as the invitation and selection of adequate participants for practical work on social innovations in local communities, for participation in round tables, courses, conferences and study tours. The Secretariat has the opportunity to point out the importance of supporting social innovations as a component of the overall regional development and progress of social communities in AP Vojvodina through its activities on the territory of AP Vojvodina.

Beneficiary’s social media:   

Adult Education Institution Studium (HR) as Project Partner is responsible for implementing the analysis in the Croatian part of CB region. The implementation of the analysis itself is focused on the legal frameworks for social innovations, existing know-how, and successful examples of social innovations, educational offerings for social innovations, mentoring, consulting, and financial support for social innovations. The institution possesses appropriate knowledge and has an extensive network of collaborations, and through this activity, it can achieve relevant and valuable results that will impact the further implementation of the project and its activities.

Beneficiary’s social media: