Targeted delivery of antitumor drugs employing biodegradable carriers (ABIDERS)

Priority Axis 1: Cooperating for smarter programme area
Operation start date: 1 July 2024
Operation completion date: 31 December 2025
Budget: EUR 286.702,54
Number of partners: 2

Operation purpose and expected achievements:
The overall project objective is to expand scientific knowledge in the field of medicine and to establish a new and sustainable scientific collaboration between a higher education institution from Croatia and a scientific institute from Serbia and to acquire and promote a new knowledge about the antitumor drugs. The main achievements of the project will be:
– Improved treatment of malignant diseases with the biodegradable, organism-compatible materials based on glucose and fructose molecules
– Characterization of new biodegradable carriers based on inulin and dextran and the effective delivery of antitumour drugs to intestinal tumor cells
– Jointly developed solution aiming to improve drug biocompatibility and efficiency of drug delivery to the colon and small intestine minimizing systemic side effects
– Pilot action will lead to the answer which biodegradable carrier has better properties for the targeted delivery so that the effect of chemotherapeutics is more efficient.



The Faculty of Medicine Osijek (HR), as Lead Partner in this project will cultivate and maintain cell lines with the aim of testing and analyzing the biological properties of biodegradable carriers that will be prepared by members of the partner project team (FINS, Serbia). The research results will be presented during the workshop in the third project period.

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The Institute of Food Technology in Novi Sad (RS), as Project Partner will provide equipment and research infrastructure for preparing biodegradable carriers by non-toxic modification of inulin and dextran which are natural polymers. The FINS team will have an active role in all management, dissemination, and promotion activities during the project and at the end of the project will be responsible for organizing closing meeting and workshop.

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