Digitization of Archives for Cross-Border Cooperation (DIGIARCH)
Priority Axis 1: Cooperating for smarter programme area
Operation start date: 1 July 2024
Operation completion date: 31 December 2025
Budget: EUR 314.561,83
Number of partners: 4
Operation purpose and expected achievements:
The project aims to bolster Croatia-Serbia cross-border collaboration using digital and AI technologies to preserve and manage cultural heritage archives. By leveraging AI, it enhances archive accessibility and interactivity, fostering cultural and economic growth in the region. This ensures the safeguarding and dynamic utilization of historical materials for future generations’ benefit.DIGIARCH introduction of an AI-powered digital assistant promises to redefine user interaction with archival materials, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience. The combined efforts of the Municipality of Magadenovac and the Municipality of Apatin in infrastructure enhancement and pilot project execution will offer a replicable model for other regions with similar aspirations.
Science and Technology Park Novi Sad (RS) as Lead Partner plays a pivotal role in the DIGIARCH project by development of the AI-based digital assistant. Drawing from their profound expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning, STP will define the functionalities and capabilities of this assistant, ensuring it effectively facilitates users in searching and accessing archival materials. They will develop algorithms for efficient data retrieval and integrate this AI assistant seamlessly with the main digital platform. This integration is crucial, and STP will work closely with other partners, especially Osvit, to ensure that the AI assistant complements the digital platform’s functionalities.
Business incubator Osvit – cooperative (HR) as Project Partner will contribute its expertise in digitalization and innovation, as well as its team of experienced professionals and proven track record of delivering successful projects. OSVIT’s main activities in the project will include Developing the digital archiving platform, with a focus on user-friendliness and accessibility; training users on how to use the platform, including local communities, businesses, and cultural institutions; raising awareness of the importance of digital archiving, through educational workshops and events; supporting the development of digital skills in the region, through training and mentorship programs.
Municipality of Apatin (RS) as Project Partner plays a pivotal role in the DIGIARCH project, serving as a bridge between the technological advancements proposed by the project and the rich cultural heritage it seeks to preserve and digitize. As a guardian of a significant portion of the region’s cultural and historical archives, the Municipality of Apatin provides access to invaluable archival materials. Their role involves ensuring that these materials are made available for digitization, respecting the historical and cultural significance of each item. Leveraging their experience in infrastructure projects, the Municipality of Apatin oversees the establishment and upgrading of digitization centers within their jurisdiction. They ensure that these centers are equipped and compliant with international standards for digital archiving.
Magadenovac Municipality (HR) as Project Partner will contribute its expertise in cultural heritage management, as well as its network of partners and stakeholders. The municipality’s main activities in the project will include identifying and selecting cultural heritage materials to be digitized, providing access to digitized materials to local communities, promoting the DIGIARCH project to potential users and stakeholders, mobilizing stakeholders and providing training and support to participants.