Creating energy and environment conditions for greener and sustainable Croatia-Serbia cross-border region (CREATEGREEN)

Priority Axis 2: Cooperating for greener and climate change resilient programme area
Operation start date: 15 June 2024
Operation completion date: 14 June 2026
Budget: EUR 2.203.296,00
Number of partners: 5

Operation purpose and expected achievements:
The overall objective of the project is to promote production and use of sustainable and clear energy solutions by using solar energy plants in cross-border region. Furthermore, micro-meteorological sensors, together with built-in solar plant information will provide to the population in the cross-border region with in-depth knowledge about actual effective use of solar power and strengthening available global information about possibility and efficiency of solar power production by increasing it with actual micro-climate calculations for given locations.
The main project outputs are:
– Pilot action: Monitoring of climate features and development of green energy production system and collecting data from solar energy plants and micrometeorological stations in Novi Sad, Sombor and Osijek.
– Creation of Micro-scale Solar Power efficiency monitoring system as tool for calculation of solar power production efficiency in cross-border region as a joint solution, which will contribute to the more effective use of solar energy power by economy, institutions and citizens in region.



The main activities of the Scientific veterinary institute “Novi Sad” (RS) as Lead Partner in the project will manage the project implementation, as well as communication with project partners. The Institute will be in charge of the development and installation of solar power plant in Novi Sad.

Beneficiary’s social media:   

The main activities of the City of Sombor (RS) as Project Partner in the project will be development and installation of solar power plants in Sombor and participation in communication activities related to project activities and all project events.

Beneficiary’s social media:   

The main activities of the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (RS) as Project Partner in the project will be obtaining and implementing of micro-meteorological sensors in area where solar plants are installed (in Novi Sad and Sombor), creation of micro-scale solar power efficiency monitoring system MLP-2), organization of opening conference and workshops for stakeholders, work on thematic e-books, e-promo materials and project marketing activities, participation in communication activities related to project activities, purchase of the IT equipment to provide technical support for project achievements and knowledge transfer, platform and applications.

Beneficiary’s social media:   

The main activities of the City of Osijek (HR) as a Project Partner in the project will be development and installation of solar power plant in Osijek and participation in communication activities related to project activities. OSIJEK as partner in the project will has activities to participate in all common project assessments and publications, together with other project partners, as well as to participate in all project events.

The main activities of the Business Incubator LTD. (HR) as Project Partner in the project will be: obtaining and implementing of micro-meteorological sensors in Osijek, creation of micro-scale solar power efficiency monitoring system MLP-1, organization of closing conference and workshops for stakeholders, work on thematic e-books, e-promo materials and participation in communication activities related to project activities.

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